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This is a demo version of uCoz website Control panel. It is for you to familiarize yourself with the main system modules and features. All the Control panel actions are available, besides saving them and applying to the website. The access is provided for familiarization purposes. You may go to Control panel guide as well.
Module name:

Number of goods per price list page:
Number of items per catalog page:
Number of columns for item displaying:
If you selected Auto, you need to specify column width below
Tag for enclosing of a one-column list:
With the table tag selected, appearance of a catalog can be similar to "price lists"
Column width in the catalog:
For column to occupy all available place (100% width) specify: 0
Separator for the generator of the path from website home page to shop categories and pages:
Display mode of items on catalog pages:

Remember E-shop search history:
which was carried out via $MODULE_SEARCH_FОRM$

Display menu for the sorting of entries:
Items in the sorting menu:

Display the menu for entries filtering:
The list of fields, participating in the filtering menu:
Type of the filtering menu displaying:
Display the number of items that fall under the filter:

Allow customer reviews and comments for goods:
Number of comments per page:
New comments are displayed:

Enable "Entry rating" feature:

Keep record of the stock in trade in the field $STОCK$:
Absence of an integer positive value in this field, displaying its quantitative remainder, will be interpreted as the absence of an item.

When updating from the price list, update only item prices and remains:
If this option is not enabled, all the fields configured for the price list will be updated, except for the Name or the Art.No (depending on the unique field)
Add an image to an item by the price list link only if the image is absent:
Always fix item IDs when uploading from the price list:
It is not recommended to set this checkmark for shops that have dynamically updated range of items and do not use the item page

Enable accumulative discount system:

Minimum sum of the order:

Shopping cart type:
"Advanced" means displaying of name, price and quantity of items in the cart, and "Simple" - order amount only
Shorten item names in the shopping cart to:
If an item name in the cart will exceed the specified number of characters it will be shortened with dots added
Use the visual effect when adding the item to shopping cart :
Show “Extra” charge, when displaying selected options of the item in shopping cart:
Remove previous added items from the shopping cart when clicking "Buy now":

Enable the following number of additional fields for items:

Price format:
Format of exchange rates ratio:

Categories catalog
Separator for the list of subcategory links:
Display images of main catalog categories:
Image by default:

List of categories
Display mode of categories list:
If you select "Sliding blocks", only two first levels of categories nesting will be displayed
Use style names of a standard design for blocks:
It is useful if you use one of the default system designs without any modifications
Display the number of active items near a category name:

Adjustment of image uploader
Dimensions (width/height in pixels) for item icon: x
Dimensions (width/height in pixels) for item image thumbnail: x
Proportion saving method when forming thumbnail images and icons:
Color of empty areas when fitting an image with proportion saving:
Limit size of uploaded item images:
Use the standard image by default:
The default image will be added to the items that have no images

Export settings
The list of fields for export into an XLS price list:
Export into CSV format, using a separator:
Use UTF-8 encoding when exporting into CSV format:
Field list for export into CSV format:
When exporting into YML format, take <sales_notes> value for each good from:
When exporting into YML, <sales_notes> field value for all goods by default is:

Settings of home page blocks
Show in random order M of N last added items:
If the values of the parameters are equal, the system will display a constant list of N last added items
Show in random order M of N most viewed items:
If the values of the parameters are equal, the system will display a constant list of N most viewed items
Show in random order M of N best-selling items:
If the values of the parameters are equal, the system will display a constant list of N best-selling items

Open an order page
After order submission by a registered user:
After electronic payment for the order by a registered user:
When clicking "View order" on the page of orders management:

Notifications of the administrator
Notify about new orders:
Notify when order payment is received:
Notify about automatic item hiding :
that happens to the items of the type "electronic code" when all codes of this item are sold

Template of message subject for electronic items delivery:
You can use the codes $SHОP_NAME$ and $INVОICE_ID$ that will be automatically replaced by your shop name and order number correspondingly
Maximum allowable number of download attempts for an electronic item:
The number of hours during which download links for a purchased item of the type "file" will be available till the first download attempt:
The number of minutes, starting from the moment of the first download, during which the link will be still active:

Integration of Google Maps:

Name of the measurement unit "by default":
This value can be redefined for any item

Open the link to item editing form in a new window:

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