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This is a demo version of uCoz website Control panel. It is for you to familiarize yourself with the main system modules and features. All the Control panel actions are available, besides saving them and applying to the website. The access is provided for familiarization purposes. You may go to Control panel guide as well.
Module name:

Forum takes part in uCoz Forum TOP and Rating: Familiarize yourself with the rules

Reply form is on a separate page:

Buttons set:

Icons set:

Icons set 2:
If you don't like the default set of icons, provide a link to the folder with the personal set.

Number of threads per page:
Number of posts per page:
Number of records in RSS feed:
Maximum message length:

Output "Views" column in the threads list:
Show description of the status icons under threads list:
Display a block with the enumeration of user's permissions on the forum:
Display user's status (Online/Offline):
Consider thread to be hot after this number of messages:

Maximum number of simultaneously uploaded files:
Defines maximum number of files for uploading while adding an entry. Applies to the user groups that are allowed to upload files.
Maximum allowed size of uploaded files:
Defines maximum size of each uploaded file. Total size of simultaneously uploaded files cannot exceed 15Mb.
Dimensions of a reduced image:
The system shrinks large images automatically to suit the specified dimensions. A visitor is able to see the full-sized image by clicking on the reduced one.
Maximum dimensions of a full-sized image:
Allows limiting of images dimensions and therefore reducing of their weight, which saves disk space. All images that are bigger than the specified size, will be reduced proportionally (0x0 means keeping of original dimensions).

Number of days during which users can edit and remove their threads:
Number of days during which users can edit and remove their posts:

Consider all site visitors in "Who's online" statistics:
Otherwise only forum visitors are considered

Notify the administrator about new entries by e-mail:
Enable capability to inform moderators about "bad" messages:
Enable capability to notify about new replies by e-mail:

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