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This is a demo version of uCoz website Control panel. It is for you to familiarize yourself with the main system modules and features. All the Control panel actions are available, besides saving them and applying to the website. The access is provided for familiarization purposes. You may go to Control panel guide as well.
Activate "Users" module:
Disabling of this function will lead to the unavailability of user registration through the site, but you will still be able to create users-administrators through the section "Users". Administrators login will be realized through http://udemo.ucoz.com/admin/.

Allowed methods of users authorization: [?]

Open user personal page:
The option regulates the way the link for opening user's personal page is formed.

Fields of the registration form:

Default field names can be changed "here".

Information, displayed on the page with the list of users:

Information columns for the page with the list of users, their display order and possibility of participation in sorting.

Block repeated e-mails:
The system won't allow repeated registration of users with the same e-mail.

Forbid activity of the users with unconfirmed e-mails:

Allow the option "Hidden user":

Maximum length of user signature:
Maximum size (Kbytes) for uploaded avatars:Kb
Maximum dimensions (Pixels) for uploaded avatars:x

E-mail notification of a user about registration:
E-mail notification of the administrator about registration:

Enable "User reputation" feature: Timeout of repeated reputation change
Enable "Awards" feature:
Enable "User's rank" feature:
Enable "Avatar uploading" feature for users:
Enable "Private messages" feature:

Enable "Mailing list subscription" (Mass mail dispatch) feature:

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