',strpos(' ','/head>')-1)?>
This is a demo version of uCoz website Control panel. It is for you to familiarize yourself with the main system modules and features. All the Control panel actions are available, besides saving them and applying to the website. The access is provided for familiarization purposes. You may go to Control panel guide as well.
Name of your site:
Used for the code $SITE_NАME$.
Your site address (URL):
Used for the code $HOME_PАGE_LINK$.

Site design:
After you have changed the setting, the system will automatically change the design in all modules.
[ Select design ]

Site language:
Language of the Control Panel:

The website is temporarily down:
The site can be viewed by the users of the "Administrators" group only. This option can be useful when updating your site or changing the design.

Site takes part in our Rating and TOP 100: Familiarize yourself with the rules

Use "Builder" for the website design customization:
A tab "Builder" will appear in the Admin Bar. By means of the Builder you will be able to customize site blocks in visual mode as you like. This feature is indispensable for people with insufficient HTML and CSS skills.

Activate "Who's online" feature:
Activate this option if you want $ОNLINE_COUNTER$ and $ОNLINE_USERS_LIST$ codes to work

Activate PDA templates:
You will be able to customize templates for the displaying of your website in browsers of PDA devices. Mini browsers are detected automatically. To view the design in a conventional browser add "/pda" to the URL (http://site.com/pda/).

Use tree-like comments structure:
Users will be able to reply to comments of other users.

Disable AJAX for page switchers:
If Ajax is enabled, then only the area with the list of entries will be refreshed when switching pages.

Use Friendly URL:
When forming category and entry URLs, their names will be used.

Overlay uploaded images with the text (watermark):
Automatic overlaying of images in JPEG format and over 100x100 pixels in size with text.
Watermark text:
Only Latin letters and ASCII symbols.

Contact details:
Used for sending system notifications in case there is some activity on your website (if the necessary settings have been enabled).
Demo Site | demo@ucoz.net   [ Change ]

Smileys set :
This set of smileys will be applied for all modules and features that use smileys.

Local time:
Select your time zone.
Date and time format:
Date and time format on your website.
Display current date as "Today":
If an entry has been added today, the word "Today" will be displayed instead of the date.

Type of security code (captcha):
Standard - reliable, can not be discerned automatically, simple enough for a human eye.
Complicated - reliable, can not be discerned automatically, complicated for a human eye.
Simple - reliable enough, can be discerned automatically, simple for a human eye.

If you notice spam at your website when using simple captcha, enable complicated captcha.

Version of jQuery library :

Allow API usage:
Basic API (GET-only) for the website

When opening the main page, redirect to:
Having entered the address, a visitor will be automatically redirected to the selected page.

Partner identifier at uCoz Money:
Necessary for accounting banner clicks on your site and adding a reward.

Default form type for entries editing:
Depending on preferences, select the type of entry text editing form which will be used on default.

Use the feature of external link shortening with the help of the service u.to:
All external links in entries and comments added by visitors will be processed by the service u.to. It is very useful for search engine optimization and lessens the possibility of spamming.

Proxy all external links in added entries:
Transform all external links to the form http://udemo.ucoz.com/go?http://www.anysite.com/. It will have a positive impact on search engine optimization. Statistics of clicks is NOT counted in this case.

<!DOCTYPE> tag value:
This tag will be added to the very beginning of the document. Use this setting only if you understand its meaning.

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