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This is a demo version of uCoz website Control panel. It is for you to familiarize yourself with the main system modules and features. All the Control panel actions are available, besides saving them and applying to the website. The access is provided for familiarization purposes. You may go to Control panel guide as well.
Currencies and exchange rates

All prices inside the e-shop are stored in c.u. (conventional units). You can use any other currency as a conventional unit, e.g. 1 c.u. = 1 USD or 1 c.u. = 1 Euro - as you wish. You can enter all other currencies as multipliers relative to your c.u. currency.
ID Currency name Code Display In front Exchange rate By default
1 c.u. = $1
1 c.u. = 32rub.

Payment methods

You can add any number of payment methods and their descriptions. And if you need to accept automatic electronic payments, you can enable and adjust a necessary payment module from the list of supported e-payment systems for any of these methods.
Cash on receipt

Delivery methods

You can add any number of delivery methods and their descriptions. And if necessary, you can select delivery pricing module from the list of available modules for the necessary methods.
Free web hostinguCoz